Saturday, April 20, 2013

Final Website Project

School Library Website

Blog Post 4: Technology Assessment 2

     Wow, I had no idea how much technology was available at my fingertips.  I thought I was pretty up-to-date with my technology skills.  When I look at the powerpoints I use to present content, I thought knowing and creating those powerpoints made me pretty tech savvy. Now that I have been introduced and used additional Web 2.0 tools, I feel I have strengthened and increased my Web 2.0 portfolio. I no longer feel like I am not able to use these tools or any others that come my way. As I was using this new technology I was already thinking about other ways to apply their uses.
     My weakness about technology is getting comfortable using it. It is a little intimidating at first. I will need to read and reread the instructions just to make sure I am not going to mess anything up.
     Now that I know where to look for new technology, I will be able to keep current with the technology as it comes along.  I will continue to check Web 2.0 lists for the latest tools and their uses.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Blog Post 3: Lesson Plan Revision

A lesson plan I found is on Cell Vocabulary from, Cell Organelle Vocabulary Introduction. The lesson's objective: Students use a worksheet to copy the vocabulary definitions located on the last page. Since this is an introduction to the cell, the students may not be familiar with the terms or even know what the organelles look like. I would integrate technology into this lesson by having the students go to By using this website, they are able to select the cell model they will be working with and scroll over the organelle. THe students are able to see the organelle, read the definition and draw the organelle. Students could use paint or powerpoint to create an animal or cell model.